Matera Writers' Conference

conferenceWriters' Conference 2015
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Literary Matera


Books and authors
Open Book, Open Future
The Future is an open book 

Women's Fiction Festival
Emilia Marasco
 Famiglia: femminile plural, published by Mondadori. Emilia Marasco met her editor, Giulia Ichino of Mondadori at the International Women's Fiction Festival, pitched her book and became part of the stable of Mondadori writers thanks to the Festival.
Monday, 28 September 2009 11:56

Thank you - WFF 2010

The Women's Fiction Festival wants to thank everyone who has made the festival held in Matera from September 23-26 2010 such a success: US Consulate (Naples),Ministry of Equal Opportunity, Region of Basilicata, Tourism Board, Province of Matera, Municipality of Matera,Ente Parco della Murgia Materana. …
Friday, 17 April 2009 17:46

The WFF awarded by the Ministry of Culture

On the 23rd of April, at the Church of St. Martha in Rome, Italy, the Women's Fiction Festival has partecipated in the official award ceremony in connection with World Book Day. The prizes are awarded by the Italian Ministry of Culture for…
Friday, 23 January 2009 11:43

Il Women's Fiction Festival premiato dal MIBAC

L'associazione culturale Women's Fiction Festival , promotrice dell'omonimo evento letterario dedicato alla narrativa femminile, unico in Europa per la formula adottata e ospitato da sei anni nella città dei Sassi, ha ricevuto un premio in denaro dal Ministero per i…
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