The Women’s Fiction Festival is a literary festival – the only one in Europe dedicated to women’s fiction and with this particular formula, full of interesting and exciting events, where readers meet their favourite authors and writers get a chance to interact with their reading public and promote their books. We organize book presentations, debates, concerts , parties, happy hours, book signings, readings in the delightful squares and palazzi of Matera, all organized with the light touch and charm that is our hallmark. Three days in the sun of fun, workshopping and networking in the Sassi of Matera, Unesco Site and European Capital of Culture in 2019.
The Festival includes:
The Book Academy with master classes held by best- selling authors on aspects of the craft of writing fiction, creative writing labs (creative writing, scriptwriting, short-story writing, therapeutic writing), the book market, events and readings with best-selling authors for both the public and schools, plus, presentation of the literary award ‘La Baccante’.
WFF is active year round and continues to organize book presentations and other creative activities designed to promote books and stimulate reading.
Over the years WFF has welcomed to Matera numerous publishing experts including editors from, Penguin Books, Harper Collins, Harper Collins, Faber & Faber, Simon & Schuster, Kensigton Publishing, Grand Central, St. Martin Press, Bitter Lemon Press, Einaudi, Piemme, Mondadori, Sperling & Kupfer, Feltrinelli, Rizzoli, Sonzogno, Marsilio, Amazon, Kobo. Many authors have met and mingled with local readers of all ages, in the schools, squares and venues of Matera: Margaret Mazzantini, Clara Sanchez, Sveva Casati Modigliani, Lina Wertmüller, Inge Feltrinelli, Nick Hornby, Daniel Pennac, Nicholas Sparks, Stefano Benni, Alessandro Baricco, Giuliana Sgrena, Gianrico Carofiglio, Geppi Cucciari and many more.