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Women's Fiction FestivalNinth Annual International Women's Fiction Festival Publishing is a button!
Publishing is a button
PUBLISHING IS A BUTTON Publishing in the 21st century is changing almost beyond recognition and the Women's Fiction Festival, the only international writers' conference, is keeping pace with the times. Dare we say we are often ahead of the times! The WFF is dedicated above all to helping writers at whatever stage of the game they are at. We have vital information for the newbie still stretching her downy wings, for the cynical mid-lister on her 30th book and for major international bestsellers. Wherever you are on that spectrum, your world is changing and we want to help you meet the challenges. The world of publishing is multi-faceted—no longer the monolith it was even ten years ago. It is not an industry any more, or not just an industry—it is also a button you can push to upload your writing. Press it, and you're published. There has never been a more exciting time to be a writer. You have a wealth of possibilities at your fingertips—traditional publishing, digital-first publishing, indie publishing, crowdsourcing...or a mix of the four. The 2012 will offer top of the line craft classes by a woman who exemplifies the new publishing landscape—Jane Bidder/Sophie King/Jane Corry, an international bestseller under three names and writing in three different genres. Editor Nina Bruhns of Entangled Publishing will be talking about the exciting new world of digital-first presses, social media expert Beth Barany will be giving vital tips on use of social media, an absolute must for the modern writer, Jess Potash of Pubslush will be giving insights on crowdsourcing, well known literary agent Christine Witthohn will be talking about the new guy in town, Amazon. Top UK literary agent Meg Davis will be talking about the UK and European market as will Italian editors Michele Rossi, Federica Magro, Alessandra Bazardi, Chiara Ferrari. Missile designer and firearms and security expert Adam Firestone in the 'Briefings for Thriller Writers' section will be talking about modern-day and historical combat choreography. We'll keep you apprised of new names as they confirm. But one thing is certain—you can't afford not to come to the 2012 Writers' Conference of the Women's Fiction Festival!
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