The Year of the Dragon is traditionally a year of great challenge and change. A year of creativity and risk-taking. It is the year to take your writing to the next level. The writers’ conference of the International Women’s Fiction Festival offers appointments with major editors and agents and a chance to network with authors from all over the world. This year we will be tightly focused on helping you write and sell the best book you can. Whether you are writing a novel, non-fiction or a memoir, whether you publish with a traditional publisher, a digital press or indie publish, the Festival is a must. If there is one thing the rapidly-changing world of publishing has taught us, it is that the publishing platform doesn’t matter. What matters is the quality of the book. Write it and they will read it. The conference will provide everything you need to write and sell that great book and the Festival will provide enough enticements so you will be sure to enjoy every minute!
This year, the public events of the Festival will be dedicated to food and reading—two of the greatest pleasures in life. The Festival will feature fabulous books and of course food and wine tastings.
A love of good food and wine goes hand in hand with a love of good books. This part of the world has some of the best food and wine in the world, guaranteed to provide creative fodder for your writing!
So...see you at the International Women’s Fiction Festival in Matera, Italy, from September 27-30. Happy writing and … buon appetito!