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    On the 13th of february, Elizabeth Jennings will be partecipating at the San Francisco Writers Conference.
    She will be talking in a panel dedicated to: MAKING LOVE ON THE PAGE: Putting Passion into Print together with : Rachelle Chase, Men on Fire;  Margaret O’Neill Marbury, Executive Editor, Mira Books. Moderator: agent Christine Witthohn




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Milena Agus

A grand passion for writing together with dreamscapes, elements of fantasy and a soaring imagination—these are the hallmarks of Milena Agus’s books and the reason why the Women’s Fiction Festival, the only literary festival in Europe dedicated to women’s fiction,  will be awarding the 2008 Baccante Prize to her. The prize will be awarded to the Sardinian-born author on the evening of the 27th of September, 2008. Her publishing house is Edizioni Nottetempo.

Other receipients of the Baccante prize have been: Maria Venturi (2004), Inge Feltrinelli (2005), Alicia Ginenez Bartlett (2006) and Federico Moccia (2007). The prize is a stunningly beautiful gold necklace hand-crafted by a local goldsmith, Lela Campitelli of Materia and will be awarded to Milena Agus during the gala ceremony of the Women’s Fiction Festival on September 27, 2008.

Milena Agus has quickly become a literary sensation. Her books are lyrical and imaginative, her writing style simple and urgent, conveying great emotional intensity as she delves into the essence of femininity, the mysteries of sex, of nostalgia, of pain and possible happiness. Her stories are fresh and original, transporting the reader into another world, beyond all frontiers.

Milena Agus was born in Genova of Sardinian parents. She lives in Cagliari where she teaches Italian literature and history at a local high school.

La Contessa di Ricotta (The Ricotta Countess) is her first novella, published by a small Sardinian publishing house. Milena has been writing since she was a child, particularly poetry up until the age of 20. Yet it was only after writing her first novel, Mentre Dorme il Pescecane (While the Shark Sleeps) that she tried for a more well-established publishing house. The manuscript landed on the desk of Ginevra Bompiani, who instantly recognized it for the masterpiece it was, and bought it. Mentre dorme il pescecane was published to universal acclaim by nottetempo in 2005 and quickly ran through two print runs. Her second novel Mal di Pietre (Stone Sickness), her second novel, served to consolidate her reputation as a superb and inventive writer. She was a finalist in the Premio Junturas in 2004. Liana Levi translated and published her works in France, to where she sold 70,000 copies in only a few weeks and received excellent reviews.
Rights to her novel have been sold to Germany, Spain and South America. Ms. Agus has been invited to talk at a number of literary festivals in France and Germany. Mal di Pietre has become a best seller in Italy and was a finalist for the Strega Prize, the Campiello Prize and the Stresa Prize. It won the Forte Village Prize and the Elsa Morante Prize. Her third novel, Ali di Babbo, was published by nottetempo in February 2008 and has proved a hit with readers and critics alike.

Mentre dorme il pescecane, nottetempo, 2005
Mal di pietre, nottetempo, September 2006
Perché scrivere, nottetempo, September 2007
Ali di babbo, nottetempo, February 2008

Last Updated ( giovedì, 24 luglio 2008 )
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il Premio

"Le Baccanti, nel mito greco, rappresentavano l’esaltazione mistica eccessiva e feroce culminante nella pratica di rituali cruenti. Erano tuttavia sacerdotesse di Dioniso, simbolo di conoscenza occulta ma, soprattutto, incarnazione del principio naturale della psiche, l’istinto. Quello stesso principio naturale che liberandosi, esprimendosi nella persona attraverso invasamento e possessione, produce l’arte, la danza, la musica e il canto.

Questa baccante nasce da un rovesciamento poetico di senso e dal desiderio di rivalutarne la figura facendone un simbolo della condizione e del ruolo della donna nella cultura. Non è, infatti, proprio la natura femminile, in quanto depositaria del segreto della vita, da sempre associata alla sfera istintuale?

La baccante diventa nella mia immaginazione non solo custode dei misteri di un culto, ma portatrice del seme, la pietra di taglio ogivale incastonata nel ventre, seme che già germoglia nelle pieghe delle vesti ondeggianti operando una metamorfosi della donna in forma floreale, ma capace in particolare di contenere nelle mani la propria storia: la sagoma intera del collier fa riferimento infatti alla forma classica dello specchio da viaggio. La donna, attraverso una ricerca tutta interiore, la conoscenza di sé, e attraverso l’esperienza dell’arte, giunge alla riconquista del proprio posto nella storia".

Lela Capitelli
Laboratorio Orafo Materia
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