Womens' Fiction Festival

Maria Paola Romeo

romeoMaria Paola Romeo is 41 years old, lives in Milan and is married with three children. She worked for thirteen years for Harlequin Mondadori, a joint venture between Canadian-owned Harlequin Enterprises, the leading international publisher of women's fiction, and Arnoldo Mondadori Editore.

She is currently a literary agent at Grandi & Associati Literary Agency based in Milan.

She is also a translator from English and German for a number of women's fiction editors, such as Sonzogno and Sperling & Kupfer.

She has also been a speaker at several creative writing courses. Maria Paola Romeo is the co-creator of the Women's Fiction Festival, and is Vice-President of the Women's Fiction Festival Association.

Media Partners

  • HyperBros.com
  • Cinefabrica
  • Videouno
  • Mtcom.info

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Email: [email protected]

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