Womens' Fiction Festival

Giovanni Moliterni

moliterniGiovanni Moliterni is 50 years old and a native of Matera.He has a degree in Literature and Philosophy from the University of Urbino and is the owner of the 'Libreria dell'Arco' bookshop in Matera.
He has always been involved in cultural associations and works with a number of cultural programs aimed at promoting literature and creative writing. Over the years, he has worked hand in hand with a number of agencies and cultural associations on cultural initiatives such as: The State Archives, the University of Basilicata, the Provincial Library, the Municipality of Matera, the Homeland Historical Society, the Bellonci Foundation of Rome, the 'Circolo La Scaletta' Cultural Association of Matera, the Carlo Levi Association of Matera, Book Clubs, Legambiente, the World Wildlife Fund and the Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano.

Giovanni Moliterni has excellent relations with book distributors and publishing houses - having long-standing relations with them thanks to his involvement in cultural and promotional events - such as Adelphi, Bollati Boringhieri, Donzelli, Einaudi, Feltrinelli, Il Mulino and Laterza.

He is a founding member of the Women's Fiction Festival Association and is the events co-ordinator.

Media Partners

  • HyperBros.com
  • Cinefabrica
  • Videouno
  • Mtcom.info

Social network

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Email: [email protected]

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