The Revolution is over and we won

scrivereThe world of publishing has gone through an immense upheaval over the course of the past five or ten years. A writer who time travelled from 2002 to now would hardly recognize the publishing landscape. A writer's career ten years ago was a carefully selected series of steps, each one necessary. Write a good book, find an agent, wait for the agent to shop your manuscript around, sign a contract and get a nice advance. Live off the advance while writing the next book.

Now, more or less every one of those steps has changed almost beyond recognition. The only constant is: write a good book. Because it always comes back to that—the writer and the book.

Agents are no longer strictly necessary and the role of an agent is completely different. Many agents act nowadays more like business managers than agents and some have become publishers. Contracts have changed, too, with publishing houses asking for more rights for longer periods and smaller advances. And the publishing world now has new actors—e-presses, often wildly successful, picking up new voices that bypass the traditional publishing system altogether.

Some writers bypass any kind of publishing system and publish themselves, some with astonishing success.

In all of these changes, what emerges stronger than ever is the one indispensable element, the sine qua non of the industry—the writer. Without writers the entire system collapses. Authors are the entire future of the publishing business and they are acquiring business skills together with the creativity necessary to write a book. Anything the publisher can do, the writer can do, as well. Some writers want to be in complete control of their business, some want to devolve the business aspects to the publishers and some are in between, choosing an 'a la carte' approach to their careers.

The Writers' Conference of the International Women's Fiction Festival will celebrate the centrality of the writer in 2013. Writers have more options than ever before. It has never been a better time to be a writer. The WFF Writers Conference will place both creative and business tools in writers' hands so that they can write the best book possible and have a hand in its success. Agents, editors, experts in publishing are on hand to provide services to the Kings and Queens of publishing—the writers.





Last modified on Friday, 14 December 2012 09:57

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